This collection was inspired by the FASHIONCLASH Festival theme: Heritage. It made me think about heritage. What exactly is it? What does it mean to me? This made the search for this collection extra special. I wanted the outcome to be something totally different than before and therefor I worked with new techniques in printing. Working with bleach really revealed a new way of working.
The theme of this years festival was heritage. It made me look at my own heritage. A childlike way of drawing led to the prints of flowers.
The use of prints was something that I wanted to use in a childlike way. Playful, cheerful and optimistic. I printed over existing prints, and used a lot of new colors. Most of the silhouettes have a playful approach. Room to move, play and dance.
For the first time I made my own jewelry to match the outfits. Using beads and fabrics that I also used in the outfits.
This collection was sold at Kiki Niesten Maastricht.
During the FASHIONCLASH week the collection was on display in this prestigious boutique in Maastricht. Being allowed to sell and showcase my work here in the center window display was an enormous accomplishment.