This collection was all about exploring new styles and shapes. After working on a lot of capsule pieces I wanted to really experiment with this collection. Sort of breaking free from previous silhouettes while maintaining the freedom of movement and style true to my aesthetic. I did some really complex pattern work like the green kimono-like tunic which I translated from a draping on the mannequin to a pattern on paper (it is actually has such a complicated pattern and way of sewing that I color-coordinated the pieces and the description!) The sleeves fold over the shoulder into the front and are closed with a brooch.
With the shapes of the tops and dresses I wanted to create a silhouette that almost looked like the person wearing is bent over backwards. Giving the pieces a special curve in the back which drapes as a cape sometimes. It was a challenge to keep the front of these pieces in balance.
In the print I wanted to reminisce the prints I made on my first collections. So a lot of scattered cut out pieces of paper and spontaneously placed leaves and flower I found in the Jan van Eyck garden. Combining these natural and man-made shapes gave a nice tension and twist. I printed with puff ink and different color grading to give the prints dept.
To have this day, with the weather just perfect, all my friends and clients around, the models giving the clothes life and the music by Daniel van Loenen… it is one of the most specials days of my life.
I knew early on in developing this collection that I wanted to show it at the Jan van Eyck again because I loved the freedom it gave having my own show at a location. To really change it up I wanted the show to be on a different spot than the previous year. The garden of the Jan van Eyck is placed in the U shape of the building, and grows wildly planted. It is like a little oasis and it was the perfect spot for the show. Of course I had to keep my fingers crossed that the weather would be good, but luckily it was!
Kriskras is a dutch term which means that everything is mixed together. Or that things are all crooked, mix-up and go in all directions. Besides it sounding funny I think of this phrase as being so open to interpretation. It can be a beautiful thing but it can also indicate friction or stress.
With the making of a collection this can also go in all directions! And sometimes you want it to, sometimes you don’t! Mentally and literally. You start from nothing an go in all directions until you find the right amount and right direction of what you want to do. Literally I wanted the prints to be as “kriskras” as can be.
All day I got help from so many friends including Mike & Adriana Pasarella who took all the pictures. Click here to see the editorial!
We set up a whole backstage set and Mike & Adriana took beautiful pictures of the models in their outfits.