With this collection I was feeling the urge to break out. Out of my shell, out of my comfort zone! Going further than before and allowing myself to work free-er than ever. It was a leep into the unknown. The show and collection really emphasize a new step in the way I make collections to this day.
I pushed myself and the borders of my ability to create. I challenged myself to start working with screen print and this is the first collection where I started working with this medium. I challenged myself to use color and to be as brave and bold as I dare be with these colors. I discovered a total new way of working. Which used my intuition as it’s main core.
The title of this show represent exactly how I felt at that time. The boldness of breaking free of all that was holding me back.
Driving to the show with my best friend beside me I felt super nervous. Encouraged by the previously shot fotos-hoot with Florine van Rees I felt encouraged. I felt my work would make a mark. It was totally different from the previous collection but that only strengetend my belief it was good to go where I hadn’t been before. Of course there are always nerves on a day like this. And insecurity comes to you in waves. So when a my final model wasn’t there for the fitting in the morning I was definitely stressed. I asked a guy lingering around if he could try on this coat so I could at least see the show order. He tried on the coat and I remember my best friend nodding at me…
“You should ask him to walk for you!” I had a short brain freeze. Yes? Yes! Of course, this made total sense. He was perfect and it would challenge the view on man and woman. It was settled right then and there.
I worked on this collection for weeks. And thinking of a title is something I did all along. I don’t know if this title found the collection, or if it was just this anthem I was under. The boldness and the declaration of independence, independence of all i learned in art school was exactly what this moment and this collection needed. Liberation, freedom and my own sense of belief in what I think is beauty.
Other things that happened that weekend
During this FASHIONCLASH FESTIVAL weekend there was also a side program. In this Anne & Lieve Hayen offered to present the collection in their window display at their store Winkeldochters.com.
To compliment the collection I asked jewelry designer Marsha Kessels if I could borrow her amazing work for the presentation of this collection. The artistic and unique jewelry took the styling to a new level.